Saturday, November 24, 2007

Heather Armbrust - Policky's Super Hot Gym Posing

This is Heather Armbrust - Policky's hotest gym posing routine that I've seen. In it, she shows her biceps and legs, and more.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gale Frankie @ the 2007 NPC Nationals - Dallas, TX, USA

Gene Frankie's looking like she's ready for her next challenge, regardless of what is it!

Kris Murrell - Strong and Sexy

Kris Murrell, originally uploaded by genexmagazine.

Not taking anything away from Kristy Hawkins, Kris Murrell's showing the perfect combination of buffed and sexy in this GeneX photo.

Kristy Hawkins @ the 2007 NPC Nationals - Dallas, TX, USA

I'm not sure when this photo was taken -- before or after Kristy won the NPC Nationals -- but it's arresting for sure.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kristy Hawkins Wins Before The NPC Nationals In Dallas!

566566, originally uploaded by genexmagazine.

She eventually won. This is a shot in her room before the contest.

IFBB Pro Kristy Hawkins Wins 2007 NPC Nationals In Dallas!

IFBB Pro Kristy Hawkins, originally uploaded by genexmagazine.

Congratulations to Kristy Hawkins, who's worked hard and has finally gotten the prize she so deserves.

Womens Bodybuilding
Overall: Kristy Hawkins*
1) Beni Lopez*
2) Galina Serdtsev
3) Tammy Patnode
4) Tera Guzman
5) Kirsten Haratyk

1) Tina Chandler*
2) Yasha A.
3) Janet Kaufman
4) Julia Korfage
5) Terri Harris

Light Heavyweights
1) Kristy Hawkins*
2) Britt Miller
3) Karen Choate
4) Elena Seiple
5) Amy Neal

1) Beverly DiRenzo*
2) Nekole Hamrick
3) Michelle Neil
4) Krissy Murrell
5) Gale Frankie

*Eligible for IFBB Pro Card

Overall: Tina Durkin*
A Class
1) Kristina Rojas*
2) Tonya Burkhardt*
3) Breanne Robinson
4) Mary Stockbridge
5) Victoria Larvie
B Class
1) Tina Durkin*
2) Siene Silva*
3) Lisha Dean
4) Jessica Clay
5) Colleen Baldwin
C Class
1) Tanya Merryman*
2) Traci Redding*
3) Jo Marriner
4) Violet Munday
5) Pamela Drury-Graef

*Eligible for IFBB Pro Card

Breaking news

Megan Avalon Female Bodybuilder Vlogs On Zennie62