This is IFBB pro female bodybuilder and the pride of Canada, Cindy Phillips doing a photoshoot in New Jersey. On her blog she reports that she will be making her pro debut at the Atlantic City Pro Show Sep 12-13 where the top prize is $10,000. Here's a video of Cindy Phillips training in the gym:
Women's Bodybuilding Blog - Women's Fitness, Female Muscle
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Cindy Phillips On New Jersey Photoshoot
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Tomoko Kanda - Female Bodybuilder From Japan
Tomoko Kanda calls herself the "Steel Butterfly" but I think "Steel Rose" is a better term. Tomoko, photoged here by GeneX, has this bio from her website:
" Born: Osaka, Japan
" Height: 5' 4"
" Weight: 135lb (contest) 150-170 lb offseason.
" Years Bodybuilding: 14
" Favorite Bodypart: Back
" Favorite Exercise: Dumbbell Press, Barbell Press
" Favorite Supplements: Whey Protein, Glutamine, BCAA's
How Did You Get Started?
When I was at a gym, I met a friend who was a power lifter and asked me to become his training partner. That dragged me into serious training in bench pressing.
What Workout Plan Worked Best For You?
Two days on one day off routine is best for me.
What are some of your best lifts?
Dumbbell press 75 lb for reps, lat pull down 200 lb (entire stack), bench press 225 lb (max),
barbell rows 225 lb (for reps). Squats over 500 lb (on hack squat machine).
What Nutrition Plan Has Worked Best For You?
Eat lots of chicken and meat even if you are in off-season. Try not to eat so much junk food either, that is killing you, if you are on diet before the contest. Take supplement such as BCAA & Glutamine, and protein before and after workout, and before bed.
What Supplements Have Given You The Greatest Gains?
Glutamine and BCAA's have given me the greatest gains.
Why Do You Love Bodybuilding?
I love bodybuilding because it gives me motivation and goal.
What Are Your Future Bodybuilding Plans?
To keep training hard and live a healthy lifestyle. In time, I hope to take my physique above 2004 level.
What One Tip Would You Give Other Bodybuilders?
Workout hardcore (but no injury please) and continue what you are aiming for, and eat well!
Who Are Your Favorite Bodybuilders?
My favorites are: Franco Columbu, Arnold S., Juliette Bergman,Yaxeni Oriquen and Vicki Gates.
Aleesha Young and Kira Neuman Point The Way In Vegas
I'm not sure what Aleesha Young and Kira Neuman are pointing at in Las Vegas, but what ever it is --- oh, it must be GeneX. Ok. there's got to be a cocktail somewhere around there!!
Annie Rivieccio & Aleesha Young Partying In Las Vegas
Annie Rivieccio & Aleesha Young Partying In Las Vegas
GeneX shows us he's having fun in Vegas with photos like this one taken "this morning" as he put it. These are two of our favorite Super Women, Annie Rivieccio & Aleesha Young Partying In Las Vegas -- well, looks more like relaxing.
Amber Defrancesco Shows Biceps; Quads In Video
Amber Defrancesco
This is Amber Defrancesco showing her biceps in a two-piece bikini photo shoot done by GeneX. You can learn more about her here:
Amber Defrancesco
Friday, July 25, 2008
Kira Neuman's New Blog and Website

Kira Neuman's New Blog and Website
Kira Neuman has a new blog and website at Pay a visit as it has a lot of information on her doings in the FBB world.
Mike of MuscleMayhem Gives His View of The Ms International Held Earlier This Year
Mike of MuscleMayhem Gives His View of The Ms International Held Earlier This Year
I thought this was an interesting take to share with the audience here.
Well, as stated an hour before the end of the Ms. International Bodybuilding Show, Yaxeni was given the nod for first place. She was clearly in the best shape of her life, with hamstrings that had the audience gasping in amazement.
I have NEVER seen so many women off their peak at any one show.
Iris was penalized for more than obvious lumps in her rear end and shoulder (it was pretty shocking), Kristi Hawkins Was OFF her Nationals 2007 conditioning, Debbie Lascewski was way OFF her Nationals 2006 victory. (And I love the Kristi and Debbie L physiques.) Colette Nelson was off but had a very cool routine as she usually does. Colette is focusing on the NY Pro and should bring a much tighter package now that she is focused.
Honorable mentions to Cathy Le Francois and Annie Riveccio who both made significant improvements and brought their best packages to date. Cathy had deeply striate glutes and a graceful routine. Cathy was just off the hook with her conditioning and attitude on stage. She was robbed and should have placed a lot higher than where she did.
Annie increased her bicep and shoulder size to match her legs - and her stage presence was great. She has broken through the 'shy' barrier. If she can come in a little dryer/a little more conditioned, Annie would consistently place in the top 5 at any show.
As for Iris Kyle-
I've heard she was disqualified and I've heard she was penalized. Either way, Iris had MAJOR knots in the shoulders and glutes. What they were I can only guess, but it was enough for audience members to talk about them and for the judges to deem her not 'TOP 6' worthy. What does this mean for the future of women's BBing? Only time will tell.
Holly Nicholson In Photoshoot By GeneX
Bud Light Beer star Holly Nicholson is captured for posterity in this photoshoot taken in Las Vegas by GeneX.
Annie Rivieccio and Kira Neuman Bed Jump In Vegas
Who says female bodybuilders don't have all the fun. They're doing it in this picture taken by GeneX at a hotel at the NPC Las Vegas female bodybuilding contest (ok, there's male, too, but we don't care about that). The photo has Annie Rivieccio and Kira Neuman jumping on the beds in their room!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Lindsay Mulinazzi Curls 50 Lbs 154 Times - Video
Lindsay Mulinazzi Curls 50 Lbs 154 Times - Video
In this video, pro female bodybuilder Lindsay Mulinazzi gets up in front of an audience and with some encouragement, curls 50 pounds 154 times. You have to see it to believe it.
Here's more about Lindsay Mulinazzi from AMG:
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, University of Maryland, 1996
Associates in Business Administration and Fashion Design, Howard Community College, 1994
CAREER: Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Nutrition Specialist, and Choreographer for Bodybuilding & Fitness, Currently designing and updating website:
INTERESTS: Strength Training, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Dance, Gymnastics, Music, and Graphic & Web Design
2002 NPC Georgia Coastal Bodybuilding Champion
2000 NPC Valkryiefest Physique Champ
1997 NPC Maryland Fitness Champ
1996 NPC Maryland Bodybuilding Champ
1996 NPC Virginia Fitness Champ
1996 NPC Virginia Bodybuilding Champ
2007 NPC Nationals - 10th Place in Middleweights
2003 NPC Nationals Bodybuilding - 2nd Place in Lightweights
2003 NPC USAs Bodybuilding - 2nd Place in Lightweights
2002 NPC GA Coastal Bodybuilding - 1st in Middleweights and Overall
2001 NPC Women’s Extravaganza Fitness Strength Contest - 2nd Place
2000 NPC Femsport Valkyrie Fest Strength and Physique Contest - 1st Place in Physique, 3rd in Strength
1999 NPC Nationals Fitness - 13th Place
1999 NPC Women’s Extravaganza Fitness Strength Contest - 2nd Place
1999 NPC USA Fitness - 11th Place
1998 NPC Women’s Extravaganza Fitness Strength Contest - 4th Place
1998 NPC USA Fitness - 15th Place
1997 NPC Team Universe Fitness - 15th Place
1997 NPC USA Fitness - 13th Place
1997 NPC Ms. Maryland Fitness - 1st Place
1996 NPC Virginia Gold’s Classic Fitness - 1st Place
1996 NPC Virginia Gold’s Classic Bodybuilding (middle wt) - 1st Place and Overall
1996 NPC Maryland State Bodyrock Bodybuilding (light wt) - 1st Place
1996 NPC Ms. Maryland Fitness - 3rd Place
IRONMAN December 1998, NPC USA Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
OXYGEN March 199,9 Women’s Extravaganza “Strong and Shapely”
BODYTALK April-May 1999, Profiles
FLEX June 1999, Women’s Extravaganza “An Extravagant Display of Female Muscle in Action”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD December 1999, Profile
FLEX March 2000, Flex-n-Femme “Tressed for Success”
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 8, Winter 1999, Coming Attractions
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 9, April-May 2000, “Lindsay On the Rocks”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD June 2000, Cover Feature and Profile in Barry’s Beauties
BODYTALK April, May, June 2000, Profiles
PARILLO PRESS May 2000, Cover Feature: Lindsay Mulinazzi, “Triple Threat Athlete”
STEELE JUNGLE June 2000, “Lindsay On the Move”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD August 2000, Interview Profile
MUSCLE ELEGANCE October 2000, “Lindsay’s Free Spirit”
IRONMAN March 2001, “Lindsay Mulinazzi-Hardcore Training”
PLANET MUSCLE Volume 4 #4, 2001, “Ground Glorious Glutes”
IRONMAN January 2002, Pump and Circumstance: “Lindsay's Inferno, Ultimate Redhead Bombshell”
IRONMAN March 2002, Pump and Circumstance: NPC Nationals Hot Shot “Sizzlefest at the ticket line.”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD August 2003, Interview Profile & Back Cover
FLEX August 2003, Flex ‘N’ Femme: “Snazzy Mulinazzi”
FLEX November 2003, NPC USAs Contest Coverage: “A Priestly Pilgrimage”
MUSCLEMAG January 2004, 2003 NPC USAs The Women
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 24, Winter 2003 Coming Attractions
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 25, Spring 2003 Centerfold
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi July 1999 - Training, Posing, Interview Video
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi September 1999 - Posing Video
MUSCLE ELEGANCE: Wet Dreams June 2000 - Posing Video
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi January 2003 - Posing Video
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi August 2003 - Training, Posing, Interview Video
AWEFILMS: “Gladiatrux” July 2000 - Action /Thriller Video
“HIGHS AND LOWS” April 2000 - Satire, Short film Produced and Directed by Justin Bartha
Lindsay is the centerfold for the Spring issue of Muscle Elegance and appears in the current issue on the first two pages and in the back under “Coming Attractions.” Be sure to check it out!
Please email all bodybuilding, fitness and personal training related questions to:
Friday, July 18, 2008
Jennifer Gutierrez Gets Ready For Las Vegas USA's By GeneX
Jennifer Gutierrez is showing her new body after reportedly being trained by Heather Armbrust, She's going to complete in the upcomming Las Vegas USA Female Bodybuilding contest. Her MySpace page is worth a visit:
Monday, July 14, 2008
Shawna Walker Of The SF Bay Area Shows Her Abs
What we have here is an incredible body in the form of Shawna Walker, who's a trainer and female bodybuilder currrently located in the San Francisco Bay Area, and not far from GeneX, who took the photo.
In it, she shows her fantastic abs and overall cut and muscularly sexy body. Just wish she's show some teeth!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Aleesha Young In Video Shows Great Arms and Biceps
Ok folks. Here's more of Aleesha Young in this new -- as of this writing -- video. Keep in mind she's 23 which means she's got a lot of time to win a lot of contests! (Oh, and I hate the video music! Yikes.)
Jamie Eason At The 2008 Arnold Classic
Ok. Before you say, "Hey, that was way back in Feb, March of this year" let me say, yes, you're right. But this photo I've not seen before, nor Miss Eason. It's striking in that it shows, well, her cut, buffed, sexy yet strong body and a natural smile. She has a kind of easy stance, but it also seems as if she's a bit shy with all of her training and that awesome MySpace page .
This fomer Houston Texans' Cheerleader was recently called the "World's Fittest Model" at
She's also captured by GeneX in this video:
Iris Kyle At The 2008 NY Pro Show
This is Ms Olympia and Ms. International winner and famous fbb Iris Kyle at the NY Pro Show. She's also featured in this great video which shows her cut and sexy contest-winning form.
Michelle Brent at The 2008 NY Pro Show
Michelle's a popular female bodybuilder with over 20 years of experience -- even though she doesn't look like it -- and has a great website which even has its own store. Michelle's pictured here at the 2008 NY Pro Show.
Women Commonly Flex In The 21st Century
I had to post this photo because it shows just how common it has become for women to flex. It's the result of athletics, Title IX and the general advance of women in American society. And guys love it.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Sheena Bocciolone's Double Biceps Pose
This is Sheena Bocciolone in a double biceps pose photo by Andrew Ducrow and in a video wher she beats a random dude in arm wrestling. (Say, why do these guys always look so dorky?)
Anyway, there's little information on Sheena Bocciolone as of this writing and no website or MySpace page as of this writing.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Debbie Bramwell Shows Biceps In Black!
This is IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilder Debbie Bramwell, who has great peaked biceps and a terrific neck and tapered build. In the video, Debbie says she loves being a strong woman.
Here's all about her from her website
Stats....photoshoot condition
weight - 144
height - 5'2 1/2 "
thigh - 22.5
bicep - 14.5 "
calf - 15 1/4
hips - 36 1/4
abs - 27
chest - 38.5
forearms - 11.5
shoulders - 44.5 (flexed-48)
DOB: June 9th , 1966
Height: 5'3"
Weight: contest 140 offseason 155-160
Hair: black
Eyes: dark brown
Residence: San Diego, California
Birthplace: New Jersey
Hobbies: weighttrain (compete),go to beach, volleyball,read, personal/spiritual growth work, movies, hike, yoga, dance, meet new people travel, hairstlyist, physiquemodel, music, study success people and the mind, but mostly spend time with family and friends
Lifelong goals compete as a pro, live a healthy, harmonious lifestyle and study success to enable me to inpsire and encourage others to achieve their dreams through personal/spiritual/physical growth. To meet and marry my bestfriend .....continue to live each day with purpose and gratitude... and give back to society.
I was the youngest of 4 children that played sports growing up. My dad took every opportunity to coach and practice with us as he encouraged us to have fun and be our best. I was shy and seemed to blossom when it came to athletics. As a young girl I tried every sport but as a teenager I enjoyed softball, track and volleyball.
It wasnt until I was in my early 20s that I became interested in my body image... I would say I wasnaturally pear shaped, with most of my weight in my legs so I always wanted to lose the 5-10 pounds to look good. After going on every diet and doing lots of cardio I realized I needed to tone with weights to get results. I'll never forget my first workout magazine was shape....I was so into reading the success stories for inspiration and learning the dos and donts of proper diet and training. Initially I joined a all girl gym (I was still shy)but eventually joined a "real" gym (in Phoneix arizona) and this wasnt until I was 26 years old. When I first joined this female trainer took me under her wing and show me a workout program. After a couple of months I met a man I dated for 4 years who was a noncompetitive Bodybuilder. I was lucky to learn alot more from him and his bodybuilding magaiznes that were laying around. I rememeber being in awe of Laura Creavalle more then anyone and then Sue Price and later Lenda Murray. He eventually took me to some local shows where i thought everyone was a winner on that stage. ALthough a this time I was not interested in competing I still got more motivated to go to gym and train hard afterwards.
Betty Viana - Female Muscle FBB Video on Vimeo
Betty Viana preview from IronLadies Video on Vimeo.
This is Betty Viana FBB Video on Vimeo, but you can also catch her on AMG . Here's some info about her:
Where and when were you born?
Caracas , Venezuela 09 October 1971.
What is your profession?
MD Business Administration and Analist in Computer.
What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting weights?
Olympics Gimnastic, Profesional Contemporany Dancer.
How and when did you get involved into lifting weights?
About 15 years ago, with my highschool best friend, trying to get the best shape like a model, but never be bodybuilders, I hate this anormal body like a man......???? You know.....So I loved do Jazz Dancing, artistic activities, and fitnness. That Was in 1988.
Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
OK, when I was starting the BB life I never imagined that in the future I will be a PRO, Never in my mind, listen never...So In a while the time run, my body began to transform bigger, and more muscular, and I Knew to my husband now, he was trainner in the gym and he helped to me to compete in regional contests in Venezuela as an amateur. We started to work to get the Pro Card in 1997, and surprises.....We got it....In Central American Championship, after winning a couples competition in Iberoamerican and Venezuela in BB. The goal in BB realy is to show my potential as an athlete. I would like to be Miss Olympia someday .....isn't that what every BB girl wants, you, I know that is very hard to get but not impossible...I have the potential just I need more time and maturity and experience......I have to wait a little bit more.......I can.
What was your first competition and how did you place?
My first competition was in 1991, a Regional Amateur Competition in Venezuela. I weighed 150 Pounds, and I won....I just had a trainer in the gym for 10 month!!!
And which contest has been the biggest success for you yet?
Of course the first time that I won my first Pro Show in Texas and Qualified for the Miss Olympia. That was awsome for me unbelievable.
Could you please add a history of all contests that you have entered so far?
Amateur Competitions
1991 Miss Venezuela 1st Place.
1992 Miss Venezuela 2nd Place.
1994 Miss Venezuela 1st Place.
1994 Iberoamerican ChampionShip 3rd Place.
1994 South American Championship 1st Place.
1995 Miss Venezuela 1st Place.
1996 Miss Venezuela 1st Place.
1997 Miss Venezuela 1st Place.
1997 Cental American Championship 1st place and Overall (PRO CARD)
2002 South West Pro Cup ,Texas 1st Place HW. Overall.
2002 Miss Olympia, Las Vegas 7th Place HW.
2003 NOC NYC 1st place. HW
2003 Miss Olympia ,Las Vegas 4th place HW.
2004 Miss International, Columbus 6th place HW.
2004 South Pro Cup, Texas 2nd Place HW.
2004 Miss Olympia, Las Vegas 5th Place HW.
2005 Miss International, Columbus 2nd Place HW.
2007 Atlantic City Pro, Atlantic City 2nd Place HW
2008 Miss International, Columbus, 7th Place
Please describe a typical day in the life of Betty Viana.
I wake up 4:00 am to get list all food for my husband and clients, then I prepare to go to the gym to do Cardio for 45 min, abdominals, waist, and calves, maybe if I have an appointment with my clients, work for couple hours, and come to my house to rest. Eat about 6 or 7 times in day, and trainning twice a day, work in the gym with my husband 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm and come back to my house to prepare all meals to the next day...share with Armando (husband) all comments in the day and Sleep.
Please tell me something about your daily training routine.
Monday: chest-shoulders, Tuesday: back-trapecius Wednesday: Thighs, Thursday: biceps and triceps.
How often do you train in a week?
I train 5 days a week in off seasson but when I prepare for a competition I train 3 days in row and 1 off and 3 days again and 1 off.
What are the main differences when you train for a competition and in off-season?
The first diference is the intensity and the stress, in off seasson you can skip the day if we are busy we can rest and do it in free time, but during contest prep is holy training, no matter if it rains, a hurricane or whatever. Whatever happens you know it is the most important...all the time the weights are heavy and low repetition about 12 or 15, in pre-contest the same eigth and more repetitions 15-20-25 or more.
If you don't mind would you give me some stats (best lifts and some body measurements)?
Best Lifts:
Squats:360 pound
Shoulders: 140 Pounds (Military Press)
Chest: 220 Pounds
Biceps curls: 120 Pounds
Leg Press: 550 Pounds.
Biceps 16"
Quads: 25"
Calves: 15"
Which bodypart is your best in your opinion?
The best body parts in my opinion are my thighs, abdominals, and shoulders but front thighs are the best for me.
What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don't like so much?
I like to do legs, legs extension, squats in machine or free weights, shoulders military press, and flys with dumbells. I hate Hamstrins,is my weak point.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Annie Rivieccio and Jen Cowan At 2008 NPC Jr. Nationals
Annie Rivieccio and Jen Cowan are photoed by petechons. Annie Rivieccio looks great in her summer dress, and Jen Cowan is ready to model with her black bodysuit.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Jen Dejoya with GeneX During A Photo Shoot
This is NPC National Figure Competitor Jen Dejoya, who has a nice website , looking at GeneX's camera during a shoot. Jen Dejoya was in the 2007 NPC Jr. Nationals.