GeneX photographically captures Aleesha Young here as part of a photo shoot. You can read more about Aleesha Young by clicking on this link sentence.
Women's Bodybuilding Blog - Women's Fitness, Female Muscle
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Britt Miller of
Britt Miller of
Birthdate: October 4th, 1984
From: Born & Raised in North Carolina
School: East Carolina University - Nursing
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120-125 lbs conteset; 150-165 lbs offseason
Forearms: 11.5"
Biceps: 12.75" unflexed, 14" flexed
1999 Elite NC Show -- competed in figure
2001 Metrolina -- 3rd place lightweight bodybuilding
2003 NC States -- 3rd place lightweight bodybuilding
2003 Metrolina -- 3rd place figure
2004 NC States -- 1st place lightweight bodybuilding and overall champ
2004 Jr Nationals -- 2nd place middleweight bodybuilding
Athletic & Physique Competition History:
"I played basketball while I was in high school and had planned to play in college. But towards the end of high school, I became 100% focused on trying to put on muscle size for bodybuilding. I also played softball my senior year. I then started to spend most of my free time training at the gym which ended up being to my advantage because my strength had increased and really helped me to succeed.
I have been lifting seriously since I was a freshman in high school. Although I couldn't take weightlifting as a freshman in school, I did manage to work out everyday. The coach of the weightlifting class went to the gym that I went to in the mornings before school. Since I wasn't old enough to drive, my mom would wake up and take me to the gym every morning at 4:30am. I would work out, do cardio, tan, take a shower, and then I would ride to school with the coach.
This is how I trained to compete in my first competition. I competed in my first figure competition, the Quincy Roberts "Elite," when I was a freshman at 14 years old. I looked awesome for my age, but yet I was obviously a little underdeveloped! I think I was about 110lbs! It was a great experience and I fell in love with the enviornment. It was a big thing for me to become a sophmore because I could take weightlifting class.
My next competition was when I was a junior in high school. I did Roger Morrison's Metrolina Show. I competed in the bodybuilding division for my first time. Unfortunately, I had to compete against one of the best female physiques ever from North Carolina, Melanie Thompson! Remember,I was only 16 at the time, and Mel was, well... HUGE compared to me! There were three girls in the lightweight class, and I got third. But hey, another learning experience out of the way! I was still happy, and I got my first trophy!
My next show was when I was a Freshman in college. I competed in the NC State Championships, lightweight bodybuilding class, and got third. I hadn't planned to do this competition; I had been dieting for about 7 weeks to do figure at the Metrolina and my brother asked me if I thought that I could get ready for bodybuilding at the NC States in 1 week! I thought this would be impossible, but of course I took it as a challange and preceeded to do so. I dropped 15 pounds in one week and placed third in bodybuilding.
I still did the Metrolina about 1 month later and, once again, placed third; but this time in figure. By then, I was tired of placing third! I took a year off to try to put on some size.
Last year, 2004, my Sophmore year, I decided to do bodybuilding at the NC States. I completed an 18 week diet and dropped down to 124 lbs from 160 lbs for the competition. I was, what I thought, in excellent condition. I placed 1st in the lightweight class and then went on to win the 2004 Overall NC State Women's Bodybuilding title. This made me eligible to compete nationally.
The 2004 J. Nationals were only 4 weeks after the NC States, so I decided to give it a try! I busted my ass for those next 4 weeks and weighed in at 120lbs. What I thought was excellent conditioning for the NC States, didn't even compare to the difference in conditioning that I had at the Jr.'s. I placed 2nd in the middleweight class at the 2004 Jr. Nationals.
I have taken the time since the show to put on as much muscle possible. I am now planning to compete at the 2005 USA's. From where I started out, I think that I have come a very long way and am so thankful that I am where I am right now! I only want to better my overall physique.
Bodybuilding is the one thing that I can turn to, to free myself from anything that might be bothering me. I go in the gym to get my mind off of everything and to just focus on what I love the most, training! I like the off-season look as well as the in-season look; I like being full and muscular, but then again I like being shredded when it comes competition time. The week by week progress during competition is awesome to look at the whole way through. The competitors and the competition that they bring with them to the stage is great and the backstage enviornment as well as on-stage time is an adrenline rush. Bodybuilding is my dream and I am loving every minute of it!
My future goals in the sport of bodybuiding are to compete in the 2005 USA's. I'm taking it one step at a time. I'm sure that you all can imagine what my future goal is, going pro would definatly be the most awesome thing ever. But as for right now, I am just taking everything as it comes. I am hoping to bring a new physique to the 2005 USA's, and in turn make a name for myself on the national level.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
BLOWW - Boston League Of Women Wrestlers - Body Slam
This is a photo from the video in the previous post on BLOWW. Here, the "nurse girl"s got her opponent -- I'm not up on the character names -- up in the air and is spinning her around.
BLOWW - Boston League Of Women Wrestlers - These Women Wreslers AreRough and Tough
I somehow ran accross this crazy photo and had to stop in my Internet tracks. If you look at this, the very scene implies an episode that's both brutal and somehow attractive as they're a couple of women who look fine depending on one's taste and are really going at it. It seems like the woman who has the girl-with-fishnets foot in her hands is getting the best of her, and if one goes through the entire photo shoot, they find this to be true.
I then learned this was caled The Boston League Of Women Wrestlers , or BLOWW.
So I decided to see if there was a video of BLOWW action on YouTube and -- YouTube seldom disappoints -- there was. I have to tell you this video you're about to see shows two women just going at it like the most action-packed WWE events, accept it doesn't look fake at all. They fiercely go at each other, picking each other up, spinning the other around and bodyslamming each other. And for guys -- ok it's a turn on to watch it, I gotta admit that openly.
Tamela Jackson Wins The 2007 California Bodybuilding Championship
Tamela Jackson Wins The 2007 California Bodybuilding Championship in Culver City, CA.
Tamela posted this about her at GeneX forums; there's no website for her as of this writing.
I started looking at others & thought I would share a brief bit of info about me. I love to train hard in the gym- was brought up in the bodybuilding world training with guys (especially my husband) & still can hang with the guys in the gym today! I have always been into sports- basketball, gymnastics, dancing, etc.
If you see me in the gym don't be offended if I do not say much- I come there to train- & train hard! I am from West Virginia & have always dreamed of moving to California! I am living my dream & loving every minute of it. I am currently training at Milos Sarcev's gym in Fullerton, CA & he has been guiding me in prepping for the California State Championships. I have trained with many IFBB pro men- Hidetada Yamigishi, Silvio Saviour & train with Oscar Urbina- aka Big O who is a crazy fun guy who has been also giving me advice for the upcoming show! What a crazy group of guys that is called Team Milos. Great fun there & so much I have learned. I am soooo glad I moved out here & am dedicated to kicking some butt at the Cal States!
So thank you for your support & hopefully James & I will plan some action shots in the gym! Where the real work happens!!! xoxox Tammy
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Erin Heath Wins Figure Class OF 2007 Emerald Cup

Overall: Erin Heath
5'2" and under
1) Shelly Rego-Vega
2) Sherry Smith
3) Hong Arcedas
4) Claire Taubman
5) Julie Ann Lee
5'2" - 5'3"
1) Gale Elie
2) Tara Chandler
3) Lisa Lattery
4) Nicole Weston
5) Sheila Bratten
5'3" - 5'4"
1) Erin Heath
2) Elsie Huxtable
3) Reagen Brenner
4) Vikko Newman
5) Susanna Backman
5'4" - 5'5"
1) Karin Kimura
2) Allison Powell
3) Danyell Leavitt
4) Kimberly Agnew
5) Kris Isakson
5'5" - 5'6"
1) Erica Hamilton
2) Ilona Maj
3) Kari Lege
4) Felicia O'Neal
5) Suzanna Barlas
5'6" - 5'8"
1) Michelle Mayberry
2) Jeanne Nimmer
3) Angela Myers
4) Julie Alves
5) Tonia Francis
5'8" and over
1) Christine Aguilar
2) Mary Hallman
3) Mindy Shaneman
4) Emma Callaghan
5) Beth Lay
2007 NPC Vancouver USA Natural Classic 2007 NPC Vancouver USA Natural Classic - Elsie Huxtable - 1st Place
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Athena Siganakis' Return To Female Bodybuilding On Schedule

After a bit of a layoff, Athena Siganakis has returned to bodybuilding. She's now training for her first show (in a long time), which will be held June 2nd in Ft.St. John, B.C. She says "It's only a Level 1, but ya gotta start somewhere."
Athena very graciously took time to answer a few questions.
How did you get into bodybuilding?
"A few years after I retired from rythmic gymnastics I decided I was getting a little too heavy and needed to do something about it. So I joined a small gym. The trainer there thought I was competing already! Always had big legs and big arms. 2yrs later I did my first show. I was 21. I think I placed 2nd...I"
What fbbs are friends of yours?
"I don't have a lot of fbbs as friends. Not that I don't want them it's just the way it has turned out. I do count Shawn Tan as a friend and I recently befriended Michelle Russell. She's a newbie here in BC. Will be doing her first show in Nov. You've never heard of her but you will :)"
Is there a great sisterhood?
"I think there is a great sisterhood. Most of the fbbs I have met and talked to are more than willing to help each other. We have to be. It's not always easy being us."
Why does women's bodybuilding endure considering all the crits and controversy?
"Why do more and more women do it? It lives because we do it for the love of it. 'They' have said fbbing was dead so many times over the years and yet here we are. We're not going away. I think more and more women are realizing that muscle on the female body is damn sexy. And being fit and strong is very empowering."
Is the webcam a necessary good ($) or a necessary evil? Why?
"For me it's a necessary good. Without it I could not afford to compete. So far I haven't had a bad experience. Made some great friends. But it can be an evil. I think it depends on how the fbber uses it."

Athena's developed a good fan base from her webcam, and is now ready to go out and build an even larger base from competiting. So look out for this reborn face on the female bodybuilding scene.
Friday, March 02, 2007
2007 Arnold Classic Women's Bodybuilding Competitor List - Contest Is March 2nd - 3rd
Dianne Brown Maryland
Ann Caliri North Carolina
Ayanna Carroll Maryland
Brigette Charles Ohio
Annette Costa Florida
Cindy Goodrich Washington
Nisette Gray Michigan
Dee Lazard Texas
Leslie Nelson Ohio
Jennifer Wilson Kentucky
Debra Brock South Carolina
Shannon Chandler North Carolina
Shar Courtney Texas
Tedda Focht Ohio
Sueallen Lottimore Arizona
Jill Lundy Ohio
Rachael McMillan Georgia
Holly Nicholson Nevada
Christy Resendes Massachusetts
Amy Schmid Ohio
Heavyweight Lynn Aubrey Kentucky
Leigh Ann Bowen Kentucky
Marcia Ferguson Ohio
Merry Christine Harris Washington
Karin Klein Ohio
DeChanta Knox Delaware
Yamile Marrero Florida
Jody May Texas
Evy Rustad Norway
Emanuela Silvagni New York
Women's Figure
A Class Heather Bear Indiana
Anne Broadbent Kentucky
Lisa Brown Alabama
Sanovia Nikki Browner Nevada
Robin Channell Tennessee
Julie Costa Massachusetts
Charmaine Davis Delaware
Michelle DeVere-Jones Kentucky
Theresa Evans Connecticut
Kara Flowers Ohio
Jill Frew New York
Rachel Gallegos Colorado
Trina Goosby Florida
Bethann Hyndshaw New Jersey
Liza Kampstra Colorado
Carla L. Kearns Pennsylvania
Jill Knight Oregon
Crystal Lowery California
Cindy Martinez Florida
Kathryn Payton Texas
Tiffany Procopio Maryland
Katrina Roundtree Virginia
Rosalind Vail Florida
Angela Wagner Missouri
Nikki Warner Indiana
Alisa Williams Tennessee
B Class
Jane Archer Indiana
Nadine Baker Indiana
Lori Burnett Ohio
Gina Cardone New York
Nina T. Cash Ohio
Sarah Chilia Ohio
Carmen Demske Florida
Michelle Duckworth Kentucky
Nicole Fatigati Missouri
Bea Fox California
Kristen Grider Arizona
Terri Jett South Carolina
Kelly Long Indiana
Carla Machado-Jones Maryland
Yvette Lozano California
Chelsey Morgenstern Ohio
Essie Numminen Nevada
Ann Pratt Arizona
Marchell Purcey Ohio
Grace Rivera New York
Janet Routzong Hilliard
Jacqui Skibba Colorado
Tiffany Underwood Ohio
Nicole Wilkenfeld Minnesota
Tonya Wood Arizona
Women's Figure (Continued)
C Class
Teresa Anthony Maryland
Kim Barnes-Jefferson Massachusetts
Natalie Calland Ohio
Michele Cogger California
Katie Dulac New Hampshire
Rose Mary Fries Texas
Marie Gibbon Ohio
Molly Gillespie Texas
Laurie Eldredge Connecticut
Caralyn Hammonds Tennessee
Katie Heath Utah
Kristi Knights Maine
Jenny Lewis Colorado
Amber Mixell Pennsylvania
Felica O'Neal Ohio
Melissa Pearo Oklahoma
Holly Powell Ohio
Jennifer Schumm Colorado
Michelle Selwyn Florida
Sandra Simons Washington, DC
Robin Sinclear California
Kathryn Stewart Indiana
Charity Tinsley Ohio
Jill Travaglia Minnesota
Michele Welcome-Pellegato Connecticut
Lucinda Marie Witte California
Shelly Yakimchuk Canada
D Class
Alicia Marie New York
Amy Bates Florida
Dawnice Beckley Ohio
Ardrenia Blackshear-Lyons Florida
Natalie Blommel Ohio
Amanda Bollinger Utah
Renee Bradford Texas
Felicia Bruno Texas
Gretchen Crass Maryland
Claire Davies Indiana
Brooke Doran Maryland
Sarah Dowd Ohio
Nancy Georges California
Christine Holland-Morrow New Jersey
Wendy Kust Illinois
Stephanie Larkin Florida
Lisa Miles Ohio
Roberta Orth Canada
Elise Prucha New York
Danielle Rouleau Florida
Lisa Sonterre-Hausfeld Ohio
Shannan Yorton California
Leyla Yurchick Ohio
Shaushi Zike Washington
Women's Fitness
Short Class
Colleen Baldwin Texas
Maggie Blanchard New Hampshire
Dawn Butterfield Rhode Island
Rachelle Cannon Maryland
Bethany Chorba Michigan
Jessica Clay Ohio
Andrea Cloninger North Carolina
Sara Flom California
Kelly Foster Ohio
Venus Nguyen Arizona
Toneka Pires Massachusetts
Venus Ramos California
Cristina Ray Indiana
Emily Smith Ohio
Cindy Steedle Georgia
Tall Class
Kristin Marie Ackerson Vermont
Jill Brooks Texas
Tara Carrillo Colorado
Jodie Cohen Massachusetts
Monique Colbert Florida
Barbie Guerra Arizona
Tanis Hill Canada
Lilla Krifaton Nevada
Amanda Marinelli Florida
Betsy McNally-Harris Illinois
ShaNay Montez Norvell Georgia
Rochelle Rene Florida
Amanda Smith Massachusetts
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Melissa Detwiller Squats 315 Pounds - Female Muscle In Video Action
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Melissa Detwiller Has A New MySpace Page

Someone bad hacked Melissa Detwiller's old MySpace page, so The Divine Goddess Of The Internet made a new page for herself. Just click here to visit! You can see it with a click here. Go visit and give her some love. That was a terrible thing to have happen.