Ed Pariso -- producer of The Europa Super Show with Betty Pariso (pictured) in Arlington, Texas -- sounded this warning on the GeneX message board. Are the Women so sure their are going to be any Pro shows for the FBB to compete at.
Jana Tan..gone.
Charlotte Pro..gone,
New York...gone.
Atlantic Pro...who knows if it has staying power yet,
and the Europa show again is not having the turn out need by the FBB to keep it around. From a Promoters point of few that loves FBB, I am just tired of supporting a sport that the FBB do not enter.
Steve Weinberger (New Yourk Pro) said it best...the FBB do not care to compete, why should we put up any money that could go to the other classes that do show up !
The Women that are not cometiting, be prepared in 07 to look around and their is nothing left to qualify at.
To not support the only Female... (Betty) giving back, is a disgrace and I ask the questions, if it doesn't start with the FBB, then how can you ask others to support.
With over 75 registered Pro FBB, you get maybe, 13 in a show..you once had Promoters that were willing to put up cash, the story in 07 is yet to written, but if more money is on all the others events, and gone is the FBB divison, the Women must hold some of the blame.
Every single FBB that has decided not to step on stage this year...Get ready for a ghost year in 07.
You earn your way to the Arnold & the Olympia, and very few want to do that.
Some ask how can I stand next to Yax or Iris ? It took them over 10 years to get better, and over 25 shows each. They both got 15 place at some early shows. How does a Man step on stage next to Ronnie ? Compete, get better and earn your way like the girls that have come before you. This new attitude of some FBB just makes you lol.
This is the Pro ranks, you start all over, just like going from college to the NFL, the good pay their dues at the smaller shows and earn their way to step on stage with the best in the World. No money involved ? who told you their was...Being the best at something you have earned is not always about money. The sport is what it is, and still whatvever the pay, the Pro Women are still the best Women in the World...thats why you stand on stage in this sport.
Thanks to all the FBB Women that step on stage this year and support your own sport..to the others...look around in 07, you might be getting ready for nothing.
Ed Pariso
Europa Super Show