This was such a nice and heartfelt post over at GeneX Message Board, I had to post it here for view. The link to the original is the title of this post.
What a GREAT nationals! Let me start by saying that! I felt the show was very well run ...from weigh ins to the finals. It wasn't the best venue that they have had it at but all in all everything went smoothly! Those that run these shows do a fantastic job!
Now...the contest....I want to state here that I was honored to be the first to congratulate DEBI Lazewski on becoming a pro. To take second to a talented and much deserved bodybuilder such as herself was fantastic. Since 1999 when I saw her NOT win I was a fan and have been over the years and she will make a fantastic pro! So CONGRATS to you Debbie! Back stage we knew it was going to be a tough prejudging.... But Debbi I am truly and honestly so HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
Kristy Hawkins...what can I say, just gets better and better every year. Ed and Betty, you did a fantastic job! Congrats! And to you Kristy I was honored to be up there and compared to you as well and compared so thoroughly. The judges did a fantastic job at allowing the LHW class really work for the title. I had the opportunity to converse with Kristy alot as she prepped for the show and if you knew HALF the stuff she was doing with school while training its even more so amazing the conditioning she had on stage.
I have to comment on a few other athletes in my class. Now I didn't know evveryone but everyone seemed great...But I have to make mention of a few as well:
Angie Salvango...you had a great year and its so tough to diet for two shows yet you still looked amazing! Your routine was fun Good luck next year
Holly Gearson....you know I said it to you and to Robin but I was and still am amazed at the changes you made and please do not get discouraged and I want to see you in the top of the class next year!!!!
Last but not least...Amy Neal...Who took 5th in the class....You looked AMAZING!!! I am so happy for you You and your trainer did a fabulous job dialing you in Next year.....
Last but definately not least I have to thank some very very important people in my life who made this nationals the most amazing trip to a national event in my life....
I got in on Wed...came down alone at first. Yet I was taken care of tremendously by two very very important people in my life...Amanda Dunbar and Mimi Jabalee. They went out of their way to take care of me and they did such a wonderful job just doing anything to make sure I didn't stress You guys , I can't say thank you enough and I am so blessed to you have you guys in mylife. SEE YOU IN ATLANTA!!
Justin Harris of TROPONINNUTRITION.com my trainer who has batted 1000 at producing me my 3rd 2nd place finish with him at the helm and my 4th 2nd place finish since 2000. Thank you for your time and your brains
And finally Brad , who was able to join me on Friday, for just supporting me and being there for me and taking care of me Keeping me calm and STRESS FREE !!! You know how much it means to me babe!
I have had such a great time at this show. I am thrilled for all the girls that won!!!! Maybe next time LOL For those of you who know me...know the year that I had prior to this show. I can't complain about what happened in my life , it was a big wakeup call. God just needed to get my attention about a lot of things. Got my head on straight to say the least and allowed me to have a new outlook on life and a new attitude . It carried over into the prep for the nationals and to the show iteself. I surrounded myself by positive people and great friends. I have no regret and am thankful that I had the opportunity to compete. I keep saying God hasn't allowed me to win, to keep me humble! And I can live with that! I have won already in many other ways , I don't need a trophy with first place on it to define my life as a winner!
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