This incredible photo is of Robyn Mentgen who placed 4th in the 2007 NPC Jr. Nationals. There's little information about her, but for Google references to a Robyn Mentgen who's working to help dogs. Perhaps that's the same person?
The arresting photo's about Tracy Beckham. I don't know if she's related to the famoud soccer guy, but here's more about her from Andy Vogel:
Where and when were you born? Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; 11/11/1961
What is your profession? Certified Personal Trainer and Owner of Tracy Beckham’s Unique Physiques.
What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting weights? This is on website – BIO area.
How and when did you get involved into lifting weights? I started lifting weights in 1985 in an “all female” gym just to get into better shape. As like most women, I was bottom heavy and wanted to balance out my shape. Lifting weights did that for me with amazing results and quickly. I joined Gold’s gym in Canada early 1986; hired Mr. Canada to train me and won my first show that year.
Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body? I had the bodybuilding bug from the start, especially winning my first show.
What was your first competition and how did you place? 1986 Alberta Body Building Championships – 1st Middleweight
And which contest has been the biggest success for you yet? The 2004 Masters National Light Heavyweight Champion. I think each contest for me has been a stepping stone to a successful career.
Could you please add a history of all contests that you have entered so far? Contest History: 2005 4th Masters National Light Heavyweight 2004 1st Masters National Light Heavyweight – over 35 2004 10th Junior Nationals – Light Heavyweight 2003 Overall, Masters Overall and Middleweight winner - Caveman Classics - National Qualifier 2002 1st Kentucky Bodybuilding Championships – Masters Overall 2002 2nd Kentucky Bodybuilding Championships – Heavyweight 1999 2nd Kentucky Bodybuilding Championships – Heavyweight 1996 2nd Battle of the Champions – Heavyweight 1996 Overall, and 1st Middleweight – Derby Classics Bodybuilding Championships 1987 4th IFBB Hawaiian International Championships (one of four on Canadian Team) - Heavyweight 1986 6th Western Canadian Championships – Middleweight 1986 1st Alberta Bodybuilding Championships – Middleweight
Please describe a typical day in the life of Tracy Beckham. I’m up at 6:30 am, as I personal train clients 6 days a week from 8 AM to 7:30 PM. I train between 4:30 and 7 PM depending on the day.
Please tell me something about your daily training routine. How often do you train in a week? I train 5 days a week in the off-season with maybe 3 days of light cardio a week.
What are the main differences when you train for a competition and in off-season? I train 6 days a week at contest time; more cardio at contest time – 5 days a week if needed.
Which bodypart is your best in your opinion? My Back and Delts
What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much? I love DB pullovers for Back; I don’t love doing biceps – such pain for a small muscle group!
Judging in Women’s Bodybuilding has always been criticised in one or the other way. Please tell me your honest thoughts about today’s judging in Women’s Bodybuilding. As an NPC body building, fitness/fiqure judge, I understand body building is about building muscle, etc. but females should not look like men and should try to maintain a feminine look from head to toe.
Please tell me about what else you are doing when you don’t work out (profession, hobbies, etc.) I enjoy movies, dinners out, dancing, travelling and spending time with friends.
What are your future plans for 2005/2006? I am competing in the 2005 NPC Masters National Body Building Championships July 23. I was the Light Heavyweight winner of this show last year and I am going back again, as the Overall winner can turn Pro!!
Please note: Tracy does not do sessions or wrestling of any kind. Please don't ask!!
Female Bodybuilder Jennifer Benda's now an SBS Personality and joins a growing list of people on the Sports Business Simulations web portal from Kate Troescher to Ed Goines. Soon we'll have our first exclusively made videos of Ms. Benda as she prepares for the 2007 NPC USA's in Las Vegas. See Jennifer Benda's page on SBS.
This is FBB Collin Fischer, apparently at one of the many parties along the route of the San Francisco Bay to Breakers run, which annually draws between 50,000 and 70,000 people. Her bio says she lives in New York, so she must have flown out for the event.
"I have only done 3 shows I won the NPC New York City Championship Overall in 95, The NPC Atlantic States (Bev Francis) Overall in 96, and then 1st place middleweight in Dallas 97 Nationals. I have been holding out since then for an invitation to the Ms. International which I finally got this year, but l thought with only 7 weeks notice I was unable to participate. I wrote back to Mr. Demilia in hopes of an invitation for this next year but as yet have received no reply. I am currently pursuing my undergrad in Biology and perhaps a minor in Chemistry or Biochemistry at Queens College.
With regard to my training routine, I try to get to the gym at least 5 days a week (unless I have an exam in Organic Chem). Before a contest I often train 7 days a week. It would be rather difficult for me to give you an exact schedule because my strategy is one of constant change. Variety in ones routine is truly the key to success, once your muscles have adapted to something change comes slowly if it comes at all. I recommend changing the exercises each time you train a body part. I also believe strongly that one should train each and every body part with equal intensity (and love), this includes calves forearms neck and lower back which seem often to be overlooked by many enthusiasts. Further, I prefer to train quads ,and then hamstrings and hips with a day break from legs in between. Otherwise you will lose the intensity that these groups demand toward the end of your training session and these groups will lag behind the rest. Finally, it is very important to train hips consistently and properly, I often see many professional bodybuilders who seem to be deficient in these areas. THERE ARE FOUR WAYS TO TRAIN HIPS adduction, abduction, flexion, and extension, it is essential to perform each of these exercises regularly.
I am now bartending at a club called "Infinity" in Long Island City, New York on Thursday and Saturday nights."
The always funny Pro FBB Ms. Machine's into many things, one of them playing with Wii. In her blog , she explains that there are the "top five reasons" to play with your Wii:
5. How else are you going to get some pleasure if you are single?
4. Come on, I live in Philly, it is just too cold to go outside and play baseball. Not only that, but the last time I tried bowling in my thong, I got tossed out!!!???
3. Trust me you won’t go blind.
2. The pre contest diet and cardio is coming up and boxing is just more fun than the stairclimber.
1. Ha ha ha, this thing is sold out everywhere and I had the boys in the store put one aside for me!!!!! I just like to rub this in my guy friends’ faces! Sometimes being a girl helps :)
All of this playful exhibition with Wii caused Cindy Phillips to write.."what a lil cutie u are! Damn nice legs too girl :)"
We agree.
Speaking, er, writing of legs, here's a video of Ms.Machine showing us just how strong they are:
Heather Lee's claim to fame is as a female bodybuilder. But lately, she's been training using strongman techniques. She reports on her blog:
Training has been going well....I am training Strongman Style again, and learning the techniques that I had never nailed before. 3 weeks ago I had a great workout with the Strongman crew I train with, doing a 110 pound farmers walk with a 600 pound tire flip medley. I was able to flip the tire on my own 3 times, and was spotted thru another 3 reps. Then I did a 110 pound sandbag load for sets of 15 reps on a platform to mimick the atlas stone event. The week prior I began to learn an axle clean and press, which I finally nailed the form on last week. I feel comfortable on the split stance and have learned the use my legs to make the weight pop....very different from bodybuilding style training which you want to use strict form with planted feet....but I am pretty happy with the can see some of the pics my good buddy X-tina was kind enough to take for me! :~)
Wow. This from a woman who reportedly once used her legs to lift nine people sitting on a couch, or over 1,000 pounds! How much stronger will she get? Who knows?
Professional Female Bodybuilder Jody May was celebrated on National Girls and Women in Sports Day by her alma mater Odessa College. She even got placed over my friend Gil Brandt of and the Dallas Cowboys!
"Jody May is one of our own, a 1998 graduate of Odessa College with an Associates Degree in Applied Sciences. After Odessa College Jody went on to become a Professional bodybuilder were she competed in many bodybuilding and fitness competitions over the years. Some of her accomplishments include finishing 1st in the Ronnie Coleman Classic (national qualifier) in the novice heavyweight division in 2003. She also finished 1st in the Southwest USA (national qualifier) in the open heavyweight division and was the overall winner in 2004. Jody has since gone on and competed at the national bodybuilding championships were she finished 11th overall in the heavyweight division in 2004. Jody is currently working as a Physical Therapist Assistant and continuing to compete as a Professional Bodybuilder."
This is a photo from the video in the previous post on BLOWW. Here, the "nurse girl"s got her opponent -- I'm not up on the character names -- up in the air and is spinning her around.
I somehow ran accross this crazy photo and had to stop in my Internet tracks. If you look at this, the very scene implies an episode that's both brutal and somehow attractive as they're a couple of women who look fine depending on one's taste and are really going at it. It seems like the woman who has the girl-with-fishnets foot in her hands is getting the best of her, and if one goes through the entire photo shoot, they find this to be true.
So I decided to see if there was a video of BLOWW action on YouTube and -- YouTube seldom disappoints -- there was. I have to tell you this video you're about to see shows two women just going at it like the most action-packed WWE events, accept it doesn't look fake at all. They fiercely go at each other, picking each other up, spinning the other around and bodyslamming each other. And for guys -- ok it's a turn on to watch it, I gotta admit that openly.
This is the man who started it all. Steve Wennerstrom talking to pros Amanda Dunbar and Mimi Jabalee and Genex in the picture popularized female bodybuilding with his Women's Physique World Magazine. It was the first publication exclusively devoted to women's bodybuilding.
Tamela Jackson Wins The 2007 California Bodybuilding Championship in Culver City, CA.
Tamela posted this about her at GeneX forums; there's no website for her as of this writing.
I started looking at others & thought I would share a brief bit of info about me. I love to train hard in the gym- was brought up in the bodybuilding world training with guys (especially my husband) & still can hang with the guys in the gym today! I have always been into sports- basketball, gymnastics, dancing, etc.
If you see me in the gym don't be offended if I do not say much- I come there to train- & train hard! I am from West Virginia & have always dreamed of moving to California! I am living my dream & loving every minute of it. I am currently training at Milos Sarcev's gym in Fullerton, CA & he has been guiding me in prepping for the California State Championships. I have trained with many IFBB pro men- Hidetada Yamigishi, Silvio Saviour & train with Oscar Urbina- aka Big O who is a crazy fun guy who has been also giving me advice for the upcoming show! What a crazy group of guys that is called Team Milos. Great fun there & so much I have learned. I am soooo glad I moved out here & am dedicated to kicking some butt at the Cal States!
So thank you for your support & hopefully James & I will plan some action shots in the gym! Where the real work happens!!! xoxox Tammy