This is IFBB pro female bodybuilder and the pride of Canada, Cindy Phillips doing a photoshoot in New Jersey. On her blog she reports that she will be making her pro debut at the Atlantic City Pro Show Sep 12-13 where the top prize is $10,000. Here's a video of Cindy Phillips training in the gym:
Women's Bodybuilding Blog - Women's Fitness, Female Muscle
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Cindy Phillips On New Jersey Photoshoot
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Lindsay Mulinazzi Curls 50 Lbs 154 Times - Video
Lindsay Mulinazzi Curls 50 Lbs 154 Times - Video
In this video, pro female bodybuilder Lindsay Mulinazzi gets up in front of an audience and with some encouragement, curls 50 pounds 154 times. You have to see it to believe it.
Here's more about Lindsay Mulinazzi from AMG:
EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, University of Maryland, 1996
Associates in Business Administration and Fashion Design, Howard Community College, 1994
CAREER: Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Nutrition Specialist, and Choreographer for Bodybuilding & Fitness, Currently designing and updating website:
INTERESTS: Strength Training, Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Dance, Gymnastics, Music, and Graphic & Web Design
2002 NPC Georgia Coastal Bodybuilding Champion
2000 NPC Valkryiefest Physique Champ
1997 NPC Maryland Fitness Champ
1996 NPC Maryland Bodybuilding Champ
1996 NPC Virginia Fitness Champ
1996 NPC Virginia Bodybuilding Champ
2007 NPC Nationals - 10th Place in Middleweights
2003 NPC Nationals Bodybuilding - 2nd Place in Lightweights
2003 NPC USAs Bodybuilding - 2nd Place in Lightweights
2002 NPC GA Coastal Bodybuilding - 1st in Middleweights and Overall
2001 NPC Women’s Extravaganza Fitness Strength Contest - 2nd Place
2000 NPC Femsport Valkyrie Fest Strength and Physique Contest - 1st Place in Physique, 3rd in Strength
1999 NPC Nationals Fitness - 13th Place
1999 NPC Women’s Extravaganza Fitness Strength Contest - 2nd Place
1999 NPC USA Fitness - 11th Place
1998 NPC Women’s Extravaganza Fitness Strength Contest - 4th Place
1998 NPC USA Fitness - 15th Place
1997 NPC Team Universe Fitness - 15th Place
1997 NPC USA Fitness - 13th Place
1997 NPC Ms. Maryland Fitness - 1st Place
1996 NPC Virginia Gold’s Classic Fitness - 1st Place
1996 NPC Virginia Gold’s Classic Bodybuilding (middle wt) - 1st Place and Overall
1996 NPC Maryland State Bodyrock Bodybuilding (light wt) - 1st Place
1996 NPC Ms. Maryland Fitness - 3rd Place
IRONMAN December 1998, NPC USA Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
OXYGEN March 199,9 Women’s Extravaganza “Strong and Shapely”
BODYTALK April-May 1999, Profiles
FLEX June 1999, Women’s Extravaganza “An Extravagant Display of Female Muscle in Action”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD December 1999, Profile
FLEX March 2000, Flex-n-Femme “Tressed for Success”
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 8, Winter 1999, Coming Attractions
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 9, April-May 2000, “Lindsay On the Rocks”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD June 2000, Cover Feature and Profile in Barry’s Beauties
BODYTALK April, May, June 2000, Profiles
PARILLO PRESS May 2000, Cover Feature: Lindsay Mulinazzi, “Triple Threat Athlete”
STEELE JUNGLE June 2000, “Lindsay On the Move”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD August 2000, Interview Profile
MUSCLE ELEGANCE October 2000, “Lindsay’s Free Spirit”
IRONMAN March 2001, “Lindsay Mulinazzi-Hardcore Training”
PLANET MUSCLE Volume 4 #4, 2001, “Ground Glorious Glutes”
IRONMAN January 2002, Pump and Circumstance: “Lindsay's Inferno, Ultimate Redhead Bombshell”
IRONMAN March 2002, Pump and Circumstance: NPC Nationals Hot Shot “Sizzlefest at the ticket line.”
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD August 2003, Interview Profile & Back Cover
FLEX August 2003, Flex ‘N’ Femme: “Snazzy Mulinazzi”
FLEX November 2003, NPC USAs Contest Coverage: “A Priestly Pilgrimage”
MUSCLEMAG January 2004, 2003 NPC USAs The Women
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 24, Winter 2003 Coming Attractions
MUSCLE ELEGANCE Issue 25, Spring 2003 Centerfold
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi July 1999 - Training, Posing, Interview Video
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi September 1999 - Posing Video
MUSCLE ELEGANCE: Wet Dreams June 2000 - Posing Video
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi January 2003 - Posing Video
WOMEN’S PHYSIQUE WORLD: Lindsay Mulinazzi August 2003 - Training, Posing, Interview Video
AWEFILMS: “Gladiatrux” July 2000 - Action /Thriller Video
“HIGHS AND LOWS” April 2000 - Satire, Short film Produced and Directed by Justin Bartha
Lindsay is the centerfold for the Spring issue of Muscle Elegance and appears in the current issue on the first two pages and in the back under “Coming Attractions.” Be sure to check it out!
Please email all bodybuilding, fitness and personal training related questions to:
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Michelle Brent at The 2008 NY Pro Show
Michelle's a popular female bodybuilder with over 20 years of experience -- even though she doesn't look like it -- and has a great website which even has its own store. Michelle's pictured here at the 2008 NY Pro Show.
Women Commonly Flex In The 21st Century
I had to post this photo because it shows just how common it has become for women to flex. It's the result of athletics, Title IX and the general advance of women in American society. And guys love it.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Sheena Bocciolone's Double Biceps Pose
This is Sheena Bocciolone in a double biceps pose photo by Andrew Ducrow and in a video wher she beats a random dude in arm wrestling. (Say, why do these guys always look so dorky?)
Anyway, there's little information on Sheena Bocciolone as of this writing and no website or MySpace page as of this writing.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
2007 Ms. Olympia Score Sheet
Place | Name | Country | Pre-Judging (2 Rounds) | Routine Round | Posedown | Total |
1 | Iris Kyle* | USA | 10 | 5 | 5 | 20 |
2 | Dayana Cadeau* | Canada | 20 | 12 | 10 | 42 |
3 | Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia* | Venezuela | 40 | 12 | 16 | 68 |
4 | Lisa Aukland* | USA | 30 | 20 | 20 | 70 |
5 | Heather Armbrust* | USA | 54 | 28 | 24 | 106 |
6 | Betty Pariso* | USA | 62 | 31 | 30 | 123 |
7 | Bonny Priest | USA | 70 | 32 | 102 | |
8 | Nicole Ball | Canada | 86 | 44 | 130 | |
9 | Sarah Dunlap | USA | 88 | 46 | 134 | |
10 | Annie Rivieccio | USA | 98 | 48 | 146 | |
11 | Valentina Chepiga | Ukraine | 110 | 52 | 162 | |
12 | Tazzie Colomb | USA | 128 | 66 | 194 | |
13 | Mah-Ann Mendoza | USA | 132 | 63 | 195 | |
14 | Stephanie Kessler | USA | 136 | 65 | 201 | |
15 | Antoinette Norman | USA | 144 | 73 | 217 | |
* Top six qualify for the 2008 Olympia |
Monday, June 18, 2007
Robyn Mentgen FBB
This incredible photo is of Robyn Mentgen who placed 4th in the 2007 NPC Jr. Nationals. There's little information about her, but for Google references to a Robyn Mentgen who's working to help dogs. Perhaps that's the same person?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Jennifer Benda Becomes SBS Personality!

Female Bodybuilder Jennifer Benda's now an SBS Personality and joins a growing list of people on the Sports Business Simulations web portal from Kate Troescher to Ed Goines. Soon we'll have our first exclusively made videos of Ms. Benda as she prepares for the 2007 NPC USA's in Las Vegas. See Jennifer Benda's page on SBS.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Ms. Machine Shows Us How To Wii

The always funny Pro FBB Ms. Machine's into many things, one of them playing with Wii. In her blog , she explains that there are the "top five reasons" to play with your Wii:
5. How else are you going to get some pleasure if you are single?
4. Come on, I live in Philly, it is just too cold to go outside and play baseball. Not only that, but the last time I tried bowling in my thong, I got tossed out!!!???

3. Trust me you won’t go blind.
2. The pre contest diet and cardio is coming up and boxing is just more fun than the stairclimber.
1. Ha ha ha, this thing is sold out everywhere and I had the boys in the store put one aside for me!!!!! I just like to rub this in my guy friends’ faces! Sometimes being a girl helps :)
All of this playful exhibition with Wii caused Cindy Phillips to write.."what a lil cutie u are! Damn nice legs too girl :)"
We agree.
Speaking, er, writing of legs, here's a video of Ms.Machine showing us just how strong they are:
Heather Lee Trains To Be A Strong(er) Woman

Heather Lee's claim to fame is as a female bodybuilder. But lately, she's been training using strongman techniques. She reports on her blog:
Training has been going well....I am training Strongman Style again, and learning the techniques that I had never nailed before. 3 weeks ago I had a great workout with the Strongman crew I train with, doing a 110 pound farmers walk with a 600 pound tire flip medley. I was able to flip the tire on my own 3 times, and was spotted thru another 3 reps. Then I did a 110 pound sandbag load for sets of 15 reps on a platform to mimick the atlas stone event. The week prior I began to learn an axle clean and press, which I finally nailed the form on last week. I feel comfortable on the split stance and have learned the use my legs to make the weight pop....very different from bodybuilding style training which you want to use strict form with planted feet....but I am pretty happy with the can see some of the pics my good buddy X-tina was kind enough to take for me! :~)
Wow. This from a woman who reportedly once used her legs to lift nine people sitting on a couch, or over 1,000 pounds! How much stronger will she get? Who knows?
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Jody May Celebrated On National Girls and Women in Sports Day
Professional Female Bodybuilder Jody May was celebrated on National Girls and Women in Sports Day by her alma mater Odessa College. She even got placed over my friend Gil Brandt of and the Dallas Cowboys!
"Jody May is one of our own, a 1998 graduate of Odessa College with an Associates Degree in Applied Sciences. After Odessa College Jody went on to become a Professional bodybuilder were she competed in many bodybuilding and fitness competitions over the years. Some of her accomplishments include finishing 1st in the Ronnie Coleman Classic (national qualifier) in the novice heavyweight division in 2003. She also finished 1st in the Southwest USA (national qualifier) in the open heavyweight division and was the overall winner in 2004. Jody has since gone on and competed at the national bodybuilding championships were she finished 11th overall in the heavyweight division in 2004. Jody is currently working as a Physical Therapist Assistant and continuing to compete as a Professional Bodybuilder."
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Stephanie Park Shows Abs In And Muscle - Video
Yaxeni Oriquen By Lori Braun
Aspiring actress Yaxeni Oriquen is captured in this arresting photo by Lori Braun. Venezuelan-born, Oriquen reportedly lives in Florida. She's one of the most popular FBBs in the world. Visit her site at
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monica Mollica - Super Legs Makes Videos and Pushes A Dodge Daytona

Monica Mollica's latest video features her pushing a 4,000-pound 2007 Dodge Daytona -- her own -- across a Florida landscape. It's an amazing demonstration of the combination of strength, sexiness, and beauty that car companies should use in their marketing. A mix that's best represented by Monica Mollica.
After completing her website -- 100 percent on her own -- she's now working on a member's section and makes video clips for the site. One of them features this arresting pose. It's clear that Monica's got her finger on the pulse of what her fans want and she's talented enough to make the perfect online vehicle to give it to them.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Michelle Lin's Super Legs and Calves

James over at FTVideo conducted a photo shoot with this amazingly well-built natural female bodybuilder, Michelle Lin.
He reports: Had a good shoot with her. She has an amazing story. She was born in china and worked on her parents farm since she was 8 years old. Hence the amazing leg development. She came to the US at 18. She says that she is embarrassed by the muscularity of her legs and never shows them in public! Imagine that!
I can't imagine!
Women's Bodybuilding and The Pornification Of America

Someone over at GeneX forum wondered why some FBBs were "doing porn." The question caused me to think about the matter; here's my response.
America Pornified
...and a book on the subject, mainstream America itself is "pornified" so the real question is what do you define as porn?
From a pure stanpoint, the Internet has mainstreamed the soft-porn that is most FBB images. But is this out of joint with American society? One look at any video distribution site will say "no." Thus, since what FBB's normally show is in itself soft porn -- bikinis and at at times provacative posing -- then it's not a far stretch of effort to take it all the way.
America and the industrialized World seemed to have moved the bar more and more. But the last two years -- dominated by blogs and YouTube -- have moved the showing of images more toward the full porn level.
But, and again, how is this different from Britney Spears showing her crouch not once, or twice, but three times to the probing photog's cameras? On the whole, I think it's high time we Americans got over our collective issues with porn, especially since we show such a commericialized desire for it.

For example, have you noticed how small the crotch of women's jeans has become over the last ten years? It's amazing -- all the way down to the hip bone -- plus some women don't wear anything under the jeans at all anymore or use a belt for that matter. This style is rampant in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Monica Mollica - Super Legs Wrestles "Cleo" In Video

Monica Mollica -- the fast rising star of female bodybuilding -- has discovered wrestling. In this video she takes on "Cleo" -- whoever that is. But you can see how well-muscled Monica's body is in the clip and just how strong she is by the way she easily handles Cleo -- whoever that is.
Here's the video:
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Kim Bergman - GeneX and Andy's Muscle Goddesses
Where and when were you born?
Alabama, 1965
What is your profession?
Biology teacher
What kind of activities/sports did you do before you started lifting weights?
Competitive swimmer; cheerleader
How and when did you get involved into lifting weights?
My husband owns a gym. When we first started dating, we would always end up at they gym at some point. I figured I might as well make the best of my time there. That was over 20 years ago!
Was it a goal for you to compete in bodybuilding competitions right from the beginning or was it something that grew in your mind as time went on and you saw the progress in your body?
At first it was just for fun… something to have in common with my husband. I went with him and watched as he competed in power lifting and bodybuilding competitions. I started getting ideas!!! I went back to the gym with power lifting in mind since I recognised that I was already as strong as most of the girls I saw in the power meets even though I wasn’t yet training seriously. The rest is history… I was hooked.
What was your first competition and how did you place?
My first competitions were in power lifting. I entered three, and placed first in all three…. 1996 USPL Alabama State (best lifter); 1997 APA Nationals (best lifter); 1998 WPA World Championship (181 lb class winner) After all that heavy lifting, I felt I had enough muscle mass to begin bodybuilding.
And which contest has been the biggest success for you yet?
My biggest title in bodybuilding is the 1999 Ms. Alabama
My best national placing was just this year—2nd in the heavy weight class at the 2005 Jr. USA!!
In powerlifting, it would be the 181 lb class win at the WPA Worlds in 1998
Could you please add a history of all bodybuilding contests that you have entered so far?
1998 NPC Heart of Dixie — heavy weight and over-all
1998 NPC Coastal USA — heavy weight and over-all
1998 NPC Nationals — top 15 heavy weight
1999 NPC Ms. Alabama — heavy weight and over-all
2004 NPC Gold’s Gym Classic — 2nd heavy weight class
2004 NPC Master’s Nationals — 3rd heavy weight class
2005 NPC Jr. USA — 2nd heavy weight class
2005 NPC American Classic — 1st heavy weight & overall
2006 NPC Jr. USA — 1st heavy weight
Please describe a typical day in the life of Kim Bergman.
Morning Cardio
Teaching Science
Weight lifting
Cooking and preparing food for next day
Evening Cardio
Relaxing a few moments with my husband
Bed—so I can get up early and start all over again!!!
Please tell me something about your daily training routine.
I enjoy training heavy. I think that comes from my years as a power lifter.
How often do you train in a week?
I do something EVERY day. There is really never an off day for me.
I usually train each body part once a week… sometimes more.
I use a power-lifting based routine and always incorporate heavy bench, deadlifts, and squats, although I never max-out anymore.
What are the main differences when you train for a competition and in off-season?
I back off the heavy weights a bit and add a few more reps.
The main difference is definitely in the diet!!
If you don’t mind would you give me some stats (best lifts)?
Squat—475 lbs
Bench—250 lbs (although I recently have hit 5 reps with 240lbs, so I’m sure that would go up If I dared a max attempt.)
Deadlift—505 lbs
Which body part is your best in your opinion?
My back and delts
What is your favorite exercise in the gym and which one you don’t like so much?
Deadlifts are my favorite!
Cardio exercises are my least favorite.
Judging in Women’s Bodybuilding has always been criticised in one or the other way. Please tell me your honest thoughts about today’s judging in Women’s Bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding is, always has been, and always will be subjective to the individual judge. What one person prefers to see in a female bodybuilder can vary greatly with what the next person prefers. I just try to be the best that I can be with the body that God gave me… and hope I’m what they are looking for!!
Please tell me about what else you are doing when you don’t work out.
I am a science teacher, so that keeps me pretty busy. My husband owns a gym, so I work there a couple of days a week to help him out. I have recently started back swimming, so I go to the pool and swim laps a few days a week, too. I don’t have children, so I spoil my dogs every chance I get. I love to spend as much time as possible with my husband… even if it is just watching TV.
What are your future plans for 2005?
Last year was a “come-back” year for me after taking 5 years off. I’m back in full swing this season, and hope to hit one or more of the National shows, and maybe a large regional somewhere.
Erin Heath Wins Figure Class OF 2007 Emerald Cup

Overall: Erin Heath
5'2" and under
1) Shelly Rego-Vega
2) Sherry Smith
3) Hong Arcedas
4) Claire Taubman
5) Julie Ann Lee
5'2" - 5'3"
1) Gale Elie
2) Tara Chandler
3) Lisa Lattery
4) Nicole Weston
5) Sheila Bratten
5'3" - 5'4"
1) Erin Heath
2) Elsie Huxtable
3) Reagen Brenner
4) Vikko Newman
5) Susanna Backman
5'4" - 5'5"
1) Karin Kimura
2) Allison Powell
3) Danyell Leavitt
4) Kimberly Agnew
5) Kris Isakson
5'5" - 5'6"
1) Erica Hamilton
2) Ilona Maj
3) Kari Lege
4) Felicia O'Neal
5) Suzanna Barlas
5'6" - 5'8"
1) Michelle Mayberry
2) Jeanne Nimmer
3) Angela Myers
4) Julie Alves
5) Tonia Francis
5'8" and over
1) Christine Aguilar
2) Mary Hallman
3) Mindy Shaneman
4) Emma Callaghan
5) Beth Lay